GO magazine

Taking the journey

Southern splendour

More than just a road trip, when actress Kimberley Crossman and her fiance, cameraman Tom Walsh, set off for the wilds of the South Island, they had a special plan in mind…

21 March 2024

As well as exploring an amazing part of the country, and checking out some world renowned spots, Kim and Tom were on a mission to find the perfect venue for their upcoming wedding. Their ideal location? Somewhere “remote, rugged and untouched.”

“Tom grew up in the South Island so this land is special to him, his mum still lives in Canterbury but sadly his dad has now passed away. When we were talking about where to get married, we knew we wanted somewhere with stunning scenery, but we also wanted to choose a place he had visited with his dad in the past. With that in mind we set off for Te Waipounamu to see what we could discover!

As well as growing up in these parts, Tom also spent a lot of time in the South filming the TV series Coast - which was not long after we first started dating - so I was really excited for him to show me around.

Along the way, we also put the call out on social media for top tips from locals and other travellers. Here’s how our adventure played out:

Nelson to Punakaiki

We began our trip in Nelson, where we picked up our Honda CR-V, and pulled into the famous Boat Shed Cafe for lunch. This was the perfect place for us to kick off our ‘find a wedding venue’ road trip because it’s where we had one of our first dates.

In the afternoon we headed West and wound up in Punakaiki with fish and chips on the beach, followed by an incredible dessert served on the balcony of our room at the Scenic Hotel. Things were off to a great start.

Punakaiki to Hokitika

Unfortunately our visit to the Pancake Rocks was accompanied by a huge downpour, but even in the relentless rain we loved it. Because we travel a lot, we’ve learned to embrace rain. It’s just a matter of putting on the wet weather gear and pushing through. In this case it kind of added to the experience, with the wild scenery and rough sea all around us.

To fuel ourselves, we grabbed a whitebait sammy in Hokitika from Cafe39 before taking to the skies in a helicopter. Tom has a dream to learn to fly them one day, and I have had one flying lesson - but I have to say, I didn’t quite ‘get it’. I’m not sure I am coordinated enough! Still, I love the feeling of hovering over mountains or epic landscapes, or in this case, touching down in the car park next to the pub… This was a special stopping off point so we could have a wine at The Historic Empire Hotel in Ross. What a way to arrive!

Hari Hari and Franz Joseph

After pulling into a sweet little crafts shop on the side of the road in Hari Hari, Tom became the proud owner of a knitted elephant hat. The dairy had a resident cat and the coffee was exceptional. What more could you want?

Then it was on to Franz Joseph, and a night in the Te Waonui Forest Retreat, a beautiful hotel nestled in the rainforest that just happens to be a wedding venue…

In the midst of all this, I had two auditions to do for America so Tom kept himself busy by having a massage - the perfect thing after lots of driving. While he was relaxing in the spa, I was in the hotel room yelling over Zoom, as I auditioned for a role as a cop. I was worried the staff might hear me and be concerned! 

Afterwards, we had a martini in the hotel bar before heading upstairs for an amazing five course dinner. My personal highlights were the cured salmon, the lamb and the chocolate mousse.

Fox Glacier and Mt Aspiring National Park

Our first stop, thanks to a great recommendation, was the Jetty Walk in Lake Matheson. There is a big trend in the mental health space called ‘nature bathing’, which is all about relieving stress by spending time in the bush and taking advantage of its healing properties. The forest walk did exactly that, it was loud with wildlife and the perfect temperature for a stroll.

Ready for some food, we headed south to look for a roadside stand where Tom recalled having ‘the best venison sandwich ever’. Sure enough, almost six years later, this amazing lady Robin was still there serving up epic sandwiches. It’s 100% worth the stop if you are passing through Haast.

Then with full tummies, we headed on to the Blue Pools - part of the Makarora River that runs down from the Mt Aspiring National Park. When we arrived, a bunch of tourists were jumping off the bridge so we made the decision to join them. I have to say I was pretty scared but I got some great encouragement from the people down below. I love the feeling after you do something you were afraid to do! The water was freezing but so refreshing and clear.

Kinloch and Glenorchy

This was a little bit of a detour from our road trip route, but so worth it! Kinloch Wilderness Retreat was one of the first places Tom and I stayed as a couple, and it’s also where he and his dad would go camping and fishing. I adore this area - it’s one of those places that somehow just feels like home.  

Glenorchy, Naseby and Waitaki Valley

 After a big travel day we stopped in Naseby to get an ice cream at the epic Naseby General Store. Then thanks to many recommendations, we went to the High Tree Chalets to stay over so Tom could have a fish in the morning. The place was so stunning we made Tom’s mum drive over from Kurow to check it out! We ate dinner on the deck watching the baby swans play. Then Tom and I ended the evening with an outdoor bath. Bliss.

We loved the feeling of complete isolation there. We both dream of having some land or a farm one day that feels secluded and where we can go to re-set. We live busy lives in busy cities and both crave the stillness and the quiet of being in nature from time to time.

Homeward bound

I feel lucky to have had the chance to explore all these amazing new places and to spend this time with Tom. The driving part was incredibly comfortable in our Honda CR-V. We spent most of the drive holding hands, talking about wedding stuff and giggling at our inability to agree on a good playlist. It really was such a special week. We never got bored, the scenery was ever changing - as was the weather - but the company was superb, and the people were so kind and engaging. Best of all, we’ve found our place to get married, so now it’s on with the plans!

See more at kimberleycrossman.com.

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